IHA - Insurance & Risk Pooling Solutions



You must report all incidents, claims, or lawsuits in writing using a Notice of Claim.  You may also report by telephone if you would like an IRMS representative to conduct an immediate investigation, work with a claimant to resolve a dispute, or assign defense counsel immediately in the event of suit.  However, all verbal notices must be followed up with submission of a written Notice of Claim form in order to ensure coverage under your policy.  Notice of Claim

What to Report

Incidents are events which might give rise to a claim or lawsuit.  These include such things as surgical or medical errors, significant and unexpected adverse results and complications, as well as billing disputes that question the quality of your care.
Claims include demands and requests for money or for reduction of bills because of complaints concerning your care.  Claims may be written or verbal.
Service of a Summons and Complaint.

Why Report

Your MAIC policy requires reporting and enables IRMS to manage the incident, claim, or lawsuit.  Once a timely report is made, coverage can be determined.  If covered, coverage will continue unless you do not comply with the requirements of your policy (such as failing to promptly report that a suit has been served upon you or failing to cooperate with the defense of a lawsuit).
Medical Alliance Insurance Company (MAIC) is only licensed to transact the business of insurance in the State of Illinois.  The information provided on this website is for information purposes only and is not a solicitation to transact any business of insurance in any other state where MAIC is not licensed to conduct such business.  Information about the policies and practices of MAIC on its website are summaries only and subject to the actual language of the policies and rules.